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Example keynote sessions

Keynote sessions

Which ‘hat’ Am I Wearing?

How to use 3 key behaviours to make it about the people, not the process – motivating engaging and the inspiring the people you lead.

Why Don’t You Trust me?

Sharing four key steps to building trust with people and teams

The ten Golden Rules of Leadership

The key principles for motivating and inspiring people and teams, where they came from, why they matter and the difference they make

Interested vs Interesting

This talk focusses on providing participants with some key, simple to implement actions to help build mutually beneficial business relationships and avoid common networking pitfalls

Adopting a feedback mindset

Why we really give feedback, what stops us and how to overcome the barriers people face when both giving and receiving it

How to help people first accept and then embrace change

Influencing like a pro

How to understand your preference and flex your style to achieve results that stick

Because people matter

How to have motivating and engaging people conversations using the 3 rules of questioning

Avoiding the Cheshire cat dilemma

Career conversations, what are they, and why do they matter